therapy works
"Therapy is like personal training, if you want to see results, you have to practice in between sessions. You can't show up once a week and expect for your life to be different, you have to put in effort everyday to see a change."
What is therapy?
Therapy is a resource to gain a better understanding and insight into what is going on in your life. Through this nonjudgemental and realistic perspective we figure out whats working, whats not working, and what you can do about it. With a better understanding of yourself, your experience, and your goals, success is more attainable.
Who goes to therapy?
Therapy is not just for people who have a diagnosis or cannot get out of bed, therapy is a tool to help all humans make more sense of their life, to get more connected with themselves and learn how to feel good more often.
What does therapy look like?
Therapy looks like a weekly conversation about what you are experiencing (worry, low self esteem/mood, pressure, anxiety/stress, disconnection), understanding what it means, and learning how to manage it. Change doesn't happen in only an hour a week, lasting change requires work everyday. So although our sessions are 50 minutes a week, everyday practice through repetition and consistency, are necessary to see real change happen and feel the warm fuzzies of success. The length of therapy looks different for everyone depending on what we are working on. In general, the more active you are in the therapy process and seizing opportunities to challenge yourself, the faster insight is found and change is made.
What to expect
Talking to a therapist can feel uncomfortable at first, and will probably push you outside of your comfort zone; feeling any and all of these things is very normal. Most of us feel uneasy with change and the unknown, but it is in this discomfort that we find strength and a new path.
When you first meet your therapist, the goal is to learn about you; you are the expert on you. Downloading on your life and what you would would like to gain from therapy, helps your therapist get to know you and begin building goals together. After the first session, you will work with the therapist will explore your experiences and build insight, understanding, and change.

Our first meeting is about getting to know the basics of your family, building comfortability, and identifying what your goals are for you and your teen. The therapist will meet with you first to get the family history and then meet separately with your teen to get their perspective and start building a relationship and repoire.
The structure of sessions following the first, is based on the therapist. Some therapists will meet with you for a short, 10 minute check in to get updated on what's been going on since our last visit, give you feedback regarding your teen, and answer any questions you may have. The remainder of the session will be spent with your teen, working on growing insight, understanding, and change. Other therapists have a few client only sessions, followed by a parent only session.